Baby Barbie Chickenpox Attack

Igrica za decu Baby Barbie Chickenpox Attack
Opis igrice: Baby Barbie Chickenpox Attack is an Other game on GaHe. Com. You can play Baby Barbie Chickenpox Attack in your browser for free. After the terrible lice attack experience, now baby Barbie is sick with chickenpox. She won’t be able to see her friends and school mates for an entire week or more. The little girl is confined to bed rest at home according to the doctor’s recommendations. Her health condition changed overnight, waking up in the morning with fever and lots of red spots on face and body. A medical treatment must be followed to get well soon. Help baby Barbie recover from the chickenpox attack caring for her and fulfilling all her needs. Use your nurse skills to take the body temperature first. The thermometer indicates the baby girl has fever. Administer the proper medical treatment to reduce fever and cure the disease. Give baby Barbie pills and syrup. Apply healing cream on the ugly red chickenpox spots invading her previously flawless skin complexion. A warm soup will also bring the pretty princess back on her feet. She is not allowed to have any visitors during this period, so you are the only one she can rely on. Make the chickenpox attack more bearable for cute Barbie doing her manicure, playing with dolls, having a tea party or watching Frozen on TV. Have a wonderful time playing our brand new baby game!

Kako se igra: Use your mouse and follow the in-game instructions.
Posete: 1273
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